Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 3: Lazy Day, New Cartoon, Long Weekend

This morning was the busiest part of my day.  I went to church, played in the band, sang some songs, worshipped God, and came home. Then things slowed down, as they should on a long holiday weekend.  I gave my son a bath, put him down for a nap, and took a nap myself.  I got up when my son woke up, took him for a stroller walk, delivered him to my sister who took him fishing, and then came back home and drew the cartoon posted below.  As I was drawing, I listened to the soundtrack to the musical The Book of Mormon.  It may not be everybody's cup of tea, but I found it really funny.  Not because it's about Mormons.  If it were about Methodist or Catholic or Baptist missionaries, it would still be funny, if you like that kind of South Park humor.

I'm a big believer in not taking yourself too seriously.  When a person takes him or herself too seriously, s/he is bound to be taken down a few notches somehow.  I've always admired the Mormon missionaries who have come to my house.  The fact that they dedicate a couple years of their lives to trying to spread the word of God is amazing to me.  If more Christian churches required such a commitment from their members, I don't think membership in so many of the Christian denominations would be on the decline.  I also believe that the Christians who aren't able to laugh at themselves (mostly Tea Party Republicans) are the ones that give the rest of us Christians a bad rap.

In some ways, that's why I started writing this blog, to let the world know that not all Christians are small-minded, misogynistic xenophobes.  Don't get me wrong.  I take my commitment as a Christian seriously, but I also enjoy a good joke, even if it's at my expense.  I'm sure Jesus had a few laughs on the road with His disciples, as well.  There is time to be serious, and there is a time to lighten up.

Right now, Saint Marty is lightening things up.

Confessions of Saint Marty

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