Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1: First Day of a New Month, Things to Do

Well, two months of the summer are done.  I've come to think of August as a "let-down" month, sort of like January.  July is always the busiest month of the summer, because of Independence Day.  In the Upper Peninsula, in the city of Negaunee (one city over from me), we celebrate Pioneer Days, with accompanying parade, fireworks, and drunken night on the town.  After that excitement, August just can't measure up, like January can't compare to the Christmas/Hanukkah of December.  It's a let-down, where you sit at home and wonder what happened to all the fun.

My son, chasing butterflies.  A good August activity.

Regardless of the tedium of this month, I still have things to accomplish today.  I have to mail a letter to my daughter at camp.  I have to submit more poems to publication.  And I have to write a new poem to post later.  I also have to call my coworkers from the Surgery Center where I work to remind them about the potluck we're having tomorrow.  Oh yeah, I have to cook something for the potluck tomorrow.  Then there's the normal answering phones, scheduling surgeries, and stomping out fires.

Shit, Saint Marty has a lot to do.

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