Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Septmber 21: Late Night, Good Dinner, Great Friends

My wife and I got home really late last night.  We used our weekly date night to go see a friend from the university do a reading.  He was great.  I say that as an audience member and not a friend.  I'm not just trying to be kind.  If he sucked, I would have been the first to tell him.  He really was entertaining and charming, and the essay he read was unbelievably good.  Plus, he and his wife recently found out they're expecting a baby.  There was a lot of joy in the room.  It's great to have such gifted people in my life.

We went out to dinner after the reading (paid for by the English Department--BONUS!!!) and spent a couple hours talking and laughing.  I had a Philly cheesesteak sandwich, in case you're interested.  It was quite good, despite the fact that I forgot to tell the kitchen to hold the green peppers.  We left the restaurant around 10:30 p.m. and got home a little before 11 p.m.  That may not sound that late, but when you rise at 4:15 a.m. for work, it's almost the equivalent of pulling an all-nighter.

Now, I'm at my computer, organizing my thoughts and my day.  The fog is lifting from my brain, thanks to a Diet Pepsi.  I have some reading to do before class, and I have to create a quiz.  A professor's work is never done, just put off as long as possible.

At this point in the morning, me day spreads out before me like a piece of dry toast.

Saint Marty just needs to add the butter (and maybe some blueberry jam).

My day

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