Friday, November 11, 2011

November 11: Superstition, Broken Vaccum, Veteran's Day

Well, the whole superstition about 11-11-11 being a lucky day is a crock of shit.  As I was cleaning my house this afternoon, my vacuum cleaner decided to die.  I changed the bag; put my lips to the hose and blew to clear it out (inhaling a whole bunch of dust and sand and Christmas tree needles); and picked it up and dropped it a few times for good measure.  It's still dead, and now I have to pay to get it fixed.  Lucky day my ass.

I went to a Veteran's Day program at my daughter's school this afternoon.  She was singing with her chorus.  At points, I actually found myself quite moved.  There was a PowerPoint created by fifth grade students.  It showed pictures of kids from the school and their relatives who were/are veterans or currently in the armed forces.  A few of the students had fathers over in Afghanistan.  Thank God the lights were turned off, because I was pretty much in the weeds by the second or third slide.
A grateful Saint Marty thanks you

If there are any veterans reading this blog right now, or if you have family members who are veterans, please thank them for Saint Marty tonight.  Give them a hug,  Buy them a pizza.  Say a prayer for them.  They know what real sacrifice is.

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