Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9: Bad Weather, Bad News, Good Attitude

The weather has turned miserable.  Walking to teach class this afternoon, I got drenched.  Not just drenched.  It was like I'd been sitting in a dunk tank in my L. L. Bean winter jacket, and one of my students hit the bull's eye with the baseball.  My jacket and pants were dripping.  I spoke to my wife earlier this morning, and she told me it was snowing like a bitch at home.  I don't think I'm going to be able to avoid the snow today.  In fact, considering the moistness of my outer garments, I would say the probability of me not seeing snow tonight is about, oh, nil.  Unless I drive home with my eyes closed.

Got some bad news this afternoon.  My coworker in the medical office was offered another job, and she accepted the position.  It's great news for her.  More money, which she needs.  More hours, which she also needs.  I'm happy for her, but I'm also thinking about how much more difficult my life and job situation are going to be in about six weeks' time.  My ability to teach more flexible hours is gone.  My ability to take time off for whatever reason is in the shitter.  And my ability to get a variety of tasks completed during a workday is fucked.  It isn't the kind of news I wanted to hear today.

Now, I know what I should be thinking.  I should be thinking more positively.  I should try to imagine this change as an opportunity, not a prison sentence.  It's all about attitude.  See the glass as half-full.  If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.  The grass is greener where somebody takes a shit.  I know all that good attitude bullcrap.  As you can tell, I'm not really buying it right now.  Talk to me in a couple of days.  Better make that a couple of weeks.  Actually, let's shoot for a couple of months.

Saint Marty needs a drink right now.

Won't be getting this any time soon

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