Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 23: Fruitcake Weather, Emmy Awards, New Cartoon

In his short story A Christmas Memory, Truman Capote's character, an older woman who's a little peculiar, puts her head out the window one morning and declares, "Oh, my, it's fruitcake weather."  It's the time of year when the world is on the cusp, between fall and winter.  Capote also describes it as a coming-of-winter day.  Yes, today is one of those days.

We started off with frost on the pumpkin (there was actual frost on the one pumpkin that is still clinging to life in my backyard), and the temperatures haven't risen much past chilly.  The wind is crisp and the air is sharp as a splinter.  I went for a run this afternoon, and I had to wear gloves and a stocking cap.  The rain was coming down in little needles.  It felt like autumn.  I could even smell the leaves, wet and full of color.

The other indication that summer is over and fall has commenced is the beginning of awards season.  Tonight, the Emmy Awards are on.  I will be watching, and I will enjoy each and every long and tedious moment.  It may be a sickness, but I love awards shows.  It doesn't matter what kind of award is being handed out.  I've even watched the ESPN Awards, and I hate most organized sports.  There's something about the anticipation, the announcement, the teary acceptance speech, that appeals to my sense of drama.

Thus, Saint Marty will be up late tonight until the last award is handed out, which will probably be something like the Best Animated Miniseries Based on an Unpublished Teleplay by Tennessee Williams Adapted from a Poem by Elizabeth Bishop.

Confessions of Saint Marty

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