Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8: Getting Some Work Done

In the second week of my vacation, I can't quite relax the way I did in my first week.  I have work I need to get done.  I finished a good portion of it this evening.  I put together my syllabi for this semester.  They are printed, hole-punched, and filed in my binder.  It took me a little longer than I anticipated.  It wasn't just a matter of changing dates from last semester's Intro to Film class.  Because of Spring Break, I had one less week to work with.  Therefore, I changed one movie and eliminated one movie.  We are not going to watch Annie Hall or It's a Wonderful Life.  Instead, the last film of the semester is going to be Stranger than Fiction.  My reasoning is simple:  I love the movie.

It took me about three hours to get my crap together.  Now, with the copying complete and the rest of the night stretching out before me, I will once again return to Stephen King land.  I didn't get much reading done this afternoon, so I have to play catch-tup.  My goal of having 11/22/63 finished before I return to work next week is becoming less and less realistic.  I'm hoping, with my school prep done, I'll be able to concentrate a little more on pleasure reading.  (Is it really pleasure reading if I've given myself a deadline and a daily assignment of pages to complete?  Sounds more like SK 101:  Introduction to Stephen King.)

My daughter is through with dance class in about an hour.  That allows me to read about fifty or so pages.  Or I may just sit at my desk and stare off into space.  My mind is beginning to implode a little.

To paraphrase Stephen King, all work and no play make Saint Marty really, really tired.

...and Saint Marty, too

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