Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26: Chocolate Cravings

I have been craving chocolate all day long.  Unlike most days, I have no outlet for this jones.  I did eat a white fudge-covered Oreo a little while ago.  That quenched my hunger for about five minutes.  There is a box of chocolate bars sitting in the break room, filled with Hershey Bars, Caramellos, and Take 5 Bars.  They are calling to me.

I'm about to take off to the university to teach my Intro to Film and do some office hours.  I'll be on campus until after 8 p.m. tonight.  All I have in my pocket, money-wise, is two quarters, two dimes, a nickel, and three pennies.  Useless in the chocolate trade.  Perhaps I'll stumble upon a discarded M&M in the snow on my way to class.  If nobody is looking, I will be tempted to reach down and pick it up.

I do have a Weight Watchers chocolate muffin my wife made yesterday.  If I smothered it with frosting and sprinkled chocolate chips on top of it, it would satisfy my cravings, I think.

Saint Marty would trade a kidney for a Twix right now.

Me want some

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