Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 28: Work, Work, and More Work

Well, for a day that started out with chaos and uncertainty, I have certainly kept myself busy.

I've been in my office at the university since around nine this morning.  I've corrected midterm exams, written a blog post, e-mailed some colleagues, and watched a movie.  Then, I took a break and went back to the medical office to survey the fire/smoke damage done at the facility.  Aside from a strong smell of smoke in the hallway, our suite was pretty much clear.  If I thought really hard and went searching with my nose, I could detect a faint odor in some of the rooms.  Aside from that, nothing.

Then I came back to my university office and corrected more midterms.  After I'm done typing this post, I'm going to my daughter's dance studio to drop off a check to her instructor, and then I'm going to try to get some Easter candy shopping done before I have to teach.

This morning's little catastrophe has allowed me to be very productive.  Basically, I've done work, work, and more work.

You'll have to excuse Saint Marty now.  He's got some work to do.

Busy, busy, busy

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