Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 18: Playgrounds

I'm going to a playground with my wife and kids after work.  At first, I was simply going to hang around town until 7 p.m., when I had a meeting with some colleagues from the university.  Well, the meeting was postponed, but my wife had already told my four-year-old son about coming to visit me.  And she mentioned the playground.

I'm actually looking forward to this evening.  Normally, I don't get much time to watch my kids being kids.  I'm always driving my daughter to dance lessons or giving my son a bath.  By the time I get home, it's late.  Within an hour-and-a-half, my son is in bed.  My daughter's nose is always buried in her iPod or Kindle or smart phone.

However, there's no WiFi at the playground.  And my son will have plenty of towers to climb and holes to crawl through.

I will sit with my wife on a bench and watch our children play.  Lake Superior will be over my shoulder, shimmering like a broken mirror.  Maybe I'll read a book.  Maybe I'll close my eyes and listen to the waves.  Maybe I'll reach over and hold my wife's hand.

Saint Marty loves playgrounds.

Beat you to the top!

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