Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9: Little Time, God's Love Number Twenty, "Ives" Dip

I have little time this evening for reflection.  In a few minutes, I have to head out to a dance thing in which my daughter is performing at a local high school.  I have about seven minutes before my phone will ring, and I will have to leave.

It has been a very long day of work.  Lots of crabby coworkers.  Lots of crabby patients.  I am struggling to find God's love number twenty in the cesspool of the past ten hours.  The only thing that made today tolerable were the two young women with whom I work in the business office.  They make me laugh, all the time, and today I needed the laughter.

So, that's God's love number twenty:  my two coworkers.  They brighten some very long, stressful weeks.

It is also Ives dip Monday.  In a week, I will know whether or not I have been selected as the next
U. P. Poet Laureate.  I will certainly be happy to know the outcome.  At the moment, I live in two worlds:  1) the possibility that I have been voted U. P. Poet Laureate, and 2) the possibility that I have not been voted U. P. Poet Laureate.  Obviously, I prefer the former to the latter, but there will certainly be a sense of relief next Monday, either way.

So, my question tonight is:

Will I be the next U. P. Poet Laureate?

And the answer from Ives is:

Later a woman who described herself as a "pragmatic Catholic" stood up and spoke of visiting the amphitheater of Ephesus, Turkey, where Saint Paul once preached, and of being lulled into a kind of "glorious waking dream" because she was certain that his spirit was still a powerful presence there.

I'll take that.  I will have a glorious waking dream.  That's pretty good.

Saint Marty--the next U. P. Poet Laureate.  For now.

Another of my waking dreams

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