Tuesday, April 17, 2018

April 17: Nancy DeCaire, Julius Babarinsa, "In Praise of Teachers"

Nancy DeCaire was my high school English teacher.  A woman of grace and good humor, she always took such pride in the successes of her students.  She was one of the first people who told me that I was a writer, reading countless bad short stories and poems and essays of mine.  Ms. DeCaire is the reason that I became a teacher.

Just before I was named Poet Laureate of the Upper Peninsula, I ran into Ms. DeCaire at a local restaurant.  She was having lunch with a friend.  She started the conversation like this, "So, what's new, kiddo?"  I told her about my nomination for Poet Laureate.  She asked me how she could vote for me, and I scribbled the Web address on a napkin and gave it to her.  She looked at her friend and said, "You're going to vote for him, too."  She hugged me then and said, "I'm so proud of you."

Nancy DeCaire died this morning, and I have to say that my universe is a little less bright knowing that her star is no longer shining in it.

Saint Marty's heart is a little broken tonight.

In Praise of Teachers

by:  Julius Babarinsa

We are all indebted to our teachers
These are the teachers who taught us
all the things we know and do today
Now you ask – who are these teachers?
Teachers are the instructors, trainers,
tutors, coaches, lecturers and professors
from the kindergarten to the university

Teachers taught us how to read and write
They explained how to search for the logic
behind every statement and argument
Teachers demonstrated to us in many ways
how to approach problems and solve them

Whenever we make mistakes and commit errors
Teachers always remind us that there is
nothing to be ashamed of because
we are still apprentices and not yet masters
Sometimes, when we are depressed
our teachers are always there to motivate
us with sweet words of encouragement

They taught us that the world we live in
is a planet which rotates and revolves
That on this planet there are two-legged,
four-legged and multi-legged creatures
That human beings belong to the two-legged
species and have many colors and languages

Our teachers taught us that one man can
make a difference in the world we live in
Men like Abraham Lincoln, Mao Tsetung,
Lenin, Mandela, Mohammad Ali and Bill Gates
Our teachers are sources of inspiration
Can we live without teachers? You decide!                         

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